Sunday, July 29, 2012


This was the theme of the family reunion last night. I thought it'd be a Johnson reunion or a Crawford one, but it was not. It was one for a family that we married into, the Johnson's I think. Not that it matters. They treated us with love and respect.

Despite whatever family drama they have, and they acknowledge it's there, they always get together every year and they celebrate each other. It was at the beautiful Melia hotel in the Georgia ballroom in downtown Atlanta. Three days of celebration, three days of putting personal crap aside to honor each other, the family, the legacy.

I sat here and thought about my family and how splintered we are. Let's be real. Stuff has taken the front seat, and honoring and respecting our past the backseat. Instead of unity it's division and regardless of how you feel, Elmer and Audrey Mckenzie deserve better from their descendants. Did they not choose to have all of us come into the world? That is the greatest gift they could give you.

I was struck by how similar and yet how different families can be. The patriarch of that family was a wealthy man who lost the greater majority of his money extending loans to people who did not pay him back. And yet...the family was full of successful, very successful people, including the vice president of NBC and several cable networks. Anyone can rise past their past and that includes their emotional baggage too.

You may hate your ancestors, but they make you who you are. You may not agree with your siblings but they are a part of you. To cut ties with them over petty things is cutting off your nose to spite your face.

The family there was full of successful very bright children who obviously inherited awesome genes all the way back from their predecessor. Why can't honoring the family be placed above our selfish desires?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Friday, July 20, 2012


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The church I weep For!

I love my relationship with Jesus Christ; would not change anything. He has been with me in some of the darkest periods of my life; treading in territory that was bleak and alone for me, shedding light where darkness lives.

My heart breaks when I see the state of the church today. We, the church have become the Pharisees. Loving the law so much, that our eyes are blinded to the rescue mission Christ gave us.

We condemn the sin And the sinner; seeming to only concern ourselves with building bigger and more ostentatious buildings and programs, leaving the lost not only to fend for themselves, but with a smirk of disgust, viewing ourselves as somehow better because we share not the same sins.

Oh, how we forget not only the sins He alone has rescued us from, but the life which we led prior to Christ,we view in rose colored glasses and judge it on our standards, our perceived sliding scale of sin where we don't appear as bad as we actually were. Even worse...we view churches with ownership; country club mentality as if you aren't good enough unless you and your sins meet our standards.

Some sins are overlooked in church, even encouraged such as gluttony. For what Christian can pass up the Sunday feasts; feasts we have while we not only neglect our poor; but somehow revile them, forgetting how truly blessed we are; forgetting who blessed us, and truly making ourselves King in our hearts.

God forbid you are gay. If you come to church, you aren't treated to Gods love.. But rather the wrath and judgement that is not ours to bestow. And how we wonder why membership dwindles, why Christian youth leave the church in droves; comforting ourselves with our pride and our rules; forgetting the actions of Jesus and replacing them with a bizarre and twisted idea that we have to defend God and Jesus.

Is gay bigger than God? Can God not speak to their hearts and minds? Do we not trust the King to be King?

Why is love tossed away when Jesus commanded us to walk in love? Why do we judge even though Christ says we are too blinded by our own sins to see clearly enough to do so? The plank in our eyes enable us to see only the law and punishment, but never the heart of the individual we are judging. We don't call it judging; instead we are advising them of their plight, but the heart of God is more concerned with lack of love and the downright hate and contempt that we sputter.

Our leaders are so troubled and full of hate over homosexuality that they advocate death camps over friendship, they advocate hateful words and denial of civil rights over common human decency. Where we could win over these souls if we offered but a morsel of love; our hearts instead reply with ice and hate. What place has this in the heart of a follower of Christ? If he walked in love, and was even accused of being a sinner because he associated with them, broke bread with them; God forbid even befriended them, why on Earth do we think we are above the actions of our Christ?

Why would I vote for a candidate that clearly doesn't share my faith and is proud of it? Why do many Christians continually doubt our Presidents faith although he is the only candidate left that calls himself and family, "devoted Christians"?

Why do organizations that are supposed to be pro-Christian pour millions of dollars into a faithless candidate, when the candidate that claims Christ is ignored?

We, the church are choosing the Law over Christ; our beliefs over our faith. The only nation free enough to have candidates that freely speak their beliefs in Christ, and we Christians pick the candidate that believes in aliens over the Christ I have a personal relationship with. Over the Christ who saved me from two car accidents; who spoke the Word and now have two babies science said I could not have. What are we doing my church, my people?

Love fulfills every commandment in the Bible. God is the judge of all! Thank Jesus! Let God be true and every man a liar. Let us share Jesus not judgement with the World, and let us leave cleaning the harvested to the ultimate fisherman: the King of Kings!