Sunday, October 12, 2008

Lazy Sunday

Its been a tremendously lazy day! I loved every minute of doing nothing at all. How often do we get to do that? Never! I think my biggest accomplishment today was washing the ever growing mound of dishes that were in the kitchen. Christen & I were having a silent fight over who was going to do them: he won!

After conquering that mound of dishes, I went & took a nap! But I can say I did do my hour of exercise today, so I felt justified! I am still avoiding doing my homework. It is amazing how many excuses I can come up with for avoiding things I don't want to deal with today.

I will be adding more photos to the site as soon as a)I take some, and b) I figure out how to load them into the posts. So far, I haven't figured that out. Some of the blogs that I follow have some wondrous recipes that I need to try next week. You know I got out my paper and pen and wrote them down, right? Oh, I did.
They look awesome!

And here is the best news! I am down 3 lbs this week so far! Official weigh in is tomorrow at 4:30am! Yes, that is am! So...I was up 11lbs after coming off the depo shot so this puts me right back where I was..199lbs. I'll take it...but its coming down baby!

Food for Today:

2 fried in smart balance light eggs
3 pc turkey bacon
1/2 banana with 2 tsp pb
5 pc Morningstar Farms faux chix nuggets & a salad w/thousand island dressing
1/2 banana
3 oz baked chicken & salad w/thousand island dressing
pc of string cheese(trying to bring protein count up)
No Sugar Added Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate(its cold today)

Total Damage: 1055 calories, 58g fat(14g over goal), 80g carbs(20g over!), 61g protein(below target of 65).

Exercise: 30 mins elliptical, 30 mins treadmill(walking today)
Fluids: Goal Met & Exceeded
Vitamins: IN!

Thoughts for the day: Today was good! I exceeded my fat and carbohydrate goals, but stayed within my calorie target for the most part. I exercised for an hour which is one of my goals, and actually relaxed and tried not to worry at all today. Pretty happy with my day, actually. How about you guys??

1 comment:

Karen Butler Ogle said...

WTG on getting your exercise in and congrats on losing those 3 pounds. I have a good friend who has tutored me on making my blog. If you need any help with adding photos or anything else just PM me over at obesity help. I will be glad to help in any way I can. You are doing great. My user name over there is karenogle133.