Saturday, October 18, 2008

So, NO one knows whats Wrong with Me!

Since I fainted in Walmart, my extremities(i.e. arms & legs) have been tingling with this weird sensation of hot/cold, numb/not numb kind of deal going on. Went to the ER on Thursday night...for 5 hours! They ran all kinds of blood tests, gave me a bag of fluid, and a brain CT. Apparently I have a brain>>>ITS BEEN CONFIRMED! however they cannot figure out why this is happening. They think its due to the surgery and they think its because of some type of vitamin deficiency. They were leaning towards B12, however 2 months ago my b12 was sky high(which is perfectly fine). Wrote my nutritionist and asked her.

She says could be dehydration with the fainting start drinking even more fluids(I already get like 150 to 200 oz a day!) and to add in Powerade Zero. Also she sent me a list of the vitamins that my doctor doesn't regularly check and it very could be a vitamin deficiency. I am wondering about Thiamine because tingling in the extremities is a very big indicator.

I guess we'll find something out on Monday. Oh, yeah...and I'm not pregnant. Not only did they test did I. And I know I'm crazy...but..I am a little happy about it, and a little sad.

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