Sunday, October 19, 2008

Finding a New Church Home

Chris & I have wildly different ideas on what makes a good church. We were both raised as Baptists, however my viewpoint took a big swing at around age 18 to more of a Pentecostal slant. The church we have been going to is a nice southern baptist church, but the church is large and i don't feel like I belong...Chris is content.

We tried out this one. It meets in a restaurant...has about 60 people in the congregation..sweet as could be and I could feel God there. WE both felt at home and accepted, and thats a lot considering this is Georgia, and Chris was one of the only black people there..but they treated him with the love and respect that I wanted to see. And people seem to act different when we are an interracial couple vs same color couple sometimes, so it was with great relief that I settled down to hear the word and praise music.

I love this church, I think I could be a part of it, but Chris is NOT ready to make a choice and thats fine. I just hope he lets me go back and visit because I think I could start singing again there at that church vs the large church and I miss singing in church so much!


Karen Butler Ogle said...

I know what you are going through. My husband is perfectly content at the church we are going to. It is a very fundamentalist nondenominational church. The pastor is a little narrow and disapproved of the psych meds I take. He also wasn't there for us when my newborn grandson had to have emergency surgery. I was very hurt that he couldn't even make a phone call to pray with us before surgery. He had all day to get back with us after my husband told him waht was happening. My daughter, who considered the minister a friend, was very hurt. I really want to move on. I don't feel accepted there. My husband has been going without me for a while now. I don't know what will happen.

Jessa said...

I grew up in a Southern Church of God and had a change a few years ago when I felt lost. I had a friend that was Catholic so I thought that I would see what it was all about. The moment I walked in it was like you said I felt God and it was beautiful! I have found that Catholics are so accepting despite all of the things that are made up about them especially in the South. There are alot of black people that go too so Chris wouldn't feel out of place. Anyway you should check it out, if its not for you thats ok atleast you will know what you prefer.