Saturday, December 17, 2011

You cannot take it with you!

Why are things so important? Why is it when someone dies, family has the tendency to forget the loved one who died and focus on grasping all their possessions? Is it a misguided attempt to foster familiarity with the deceased, or is it just pure greed?

The bible tells us to store up treasures in heaven because there nothing, not even death can take it from you. The treasures spoken of are doing the will of God. If we are to give the coat off our back for strangers, what more should we do for family?

The bible is clear that money, wealth and accumulation of possessions are the root of evil, and rich men have a hard road to heaven; so why become bitter and greedy and destroy relationships over things that perish?

The evil in the world is palpable and the greed is devouring people's souls to the point that family would rather have belongings than lasting relationships with their family.

Memories are the only thing left when a loved one passes. I treasure mine. I actually have nothing of my grandparents but they taught me valuable lessons and skills and I will always have a bond with them that supersedes death. That is more than enough.

Peace will never be found in bitterness, unforgiveness, or greed.

Those three have been linked to cancer and other fatal illnesses. I wonder if that's because they eat a person inside out.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My cuteypie

Here are some pictures of my sweetheart and I !

Let the dead bury the dead

In Matthew 8:22, Jesus says to follow him and let the dead bury the dead. I always thought this was kind of a mean statement. The guy wanted to bury his dad. Further investigation shows us that dad wasn't dead yet. The potential disciple wanted to wait until that time.

Time isn't promised. There is no allotment of time that is equal to men.
Why put off what you need to do; it may never be done.

There are all these healings and miracles, and great love shown in the bible; looking around today I see such hatefulness, so much hurt, so much anger, so much sadness. Jesus is the joy maker, the blessing bringer, the comfort when every one else leaves you. The restorer of light.

My journey has been not without trial and i have lost friends, family, dare I say it, mentors even in the course of following Him; but I'm never without love, never without protection, and even when I can't see my feet; he always can. It's Him that holds me when I cry, and Him who brings such peace.

The bible says to expect evil to increase in these last days and we see it all around us; it doesn't even seek the shadows anymore.

But God...He sent Jesus and He can drive away darkness and despair and He can do anything as long as we believe.

Evil can be right on our doorstep and if we will pray for those who do the kind of things most of us don't have the capacity to forgive, God will work wonders. I know our source of strength is Jesus. And we don't have to fight battles because the Lord in His goodness will fight and go before us because we surrendered our fight to him long ago.

What that potential disciple didn't know was how much he'd gain if he'd just trust Jesus.

What about you? Are you tired of fighting the darkness alone? Do you wish someone was with you who would love and accept you no matter what? Do you need a champion, a healer, a miracle worker?

Jesus is all those things and so much more. If you don't know him,write me and I'd be glad to introduce you. He is the best present I ever opened.

Friday, December 9, 2011

By yourself

I am finding more and more that you are alone in this world. Why yes, we have Jesus always, but you had better be able to be physically and emotionally alone.

The people you believe will always have your back, and will always love don't. I'm sorry if that offends you, but the truth isn't pretty. Life is truly "I'm with you until something better comes along.". This applies to all, including family.

Guess that's why we need Jesus...amongst numerous other reasons.

Maybe that's why we should work on ourselves most doggedly and not worry what the other is doing. That way when they walk out our lives it won't hurt as much.

God takes everyone out of your life that you run to before Him. Be careful of whom is your may be taken before you are ready.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lost and in our own way

For about a year now, there has been a distaste in my mouth and spirit upon entering a church. The focus is on building bigger buildings, buy these DVDs, buy this and buy that; and the focus of the gospel is lost.

In these days and hours, when we should be as our King, we are caught up in money and more, more, more. If the Lord stopped in our churches, would we even speak to Him? What would He appear as? Would He be as Pharisee-like as some of us? Or would He appear as a homeless man, or poorly dressed woman? Would we speak?

What happened to God's love? The greatest gift of the Spirit seems in such short supply. After everything else is gone, it along with faith and hope will remain.

As Christ's hands and hearts on Earth, why aren't we sharing His love?

It's not about membership, not about buildings or money for He has that, it's about people's souls and the bone-deep need to be loved.

When we walk our daily walk let us look for ways to love the world the way Jesus does. He loved the people we gossip about and judge. He loves that boss you hate, that man who stole from you, that lady who lied....yes His love is boundless and our job is to allow Him to live through us no matter what.

We are neglecting His first love.

Let us strive to love not only one another but those who do not yet know Him. Sometimes I think we do not have because we don't love. May we all receive the passion to love the lost!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Teriyaki chicken cabbage cups

What do I need?

1lb ground chicken
1/2 head of cabbage leaves separated
2 small onions chopped
1 zucchini chopped
Teriyaki sauce
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup arborio or "regular" rice
1 pat butter
A few slivered almonds
Red pepper flakes, black pepper to taste

Sauté chicken in oil if doesn't have enough fat. Throw in onion and zucchini and spices. Steam your caabage leaves and prepare rice separately.
When sauté is complete, combine the rice with it and mix in the butter and top with almonds.

Serve mixture in cabbage cups.


515 calories
20g fat(if use oil, other wise 4g)
46g carb
26g protein

A little higher than I'd like, but delete the oil, and fat goes down and calories become 430.

Will He not do it again?

I'm one of those bizarre people that actually loves the books of the bible that speak of the old prophets. Books like Jeremiah stir something up inside me, especially of late so I thought I'd be posting thoughts about Jeremiah 29, that God holds your future; while it may be dim to you, He has great and awesome plans.

Great thought, huh? But He led me to Psalms instead. Check this out:
"I cried out to God for help; I cried out to God to hear me. When I was in distress, I sought the Lord; at night I stretched out untiring hands and my soul refused to be comforted."
"I remembered you o God and I groaned;I mused and my spirit grew faint.". Psalms 77:1-3

How many times have you felt this way? I know problems in my life and my heart seem to overwhelm me at times; seem to almost try to drown me and the nights we can't hear God because our own minds are to loud; or for whatever reason he does not speak; those are daunting, saddening times.

Times we just want to reach out and grab ahold of Jesus, times we never want to let go and yet we feel like He is not are speaking to a wall.

What do we do?

The writer of this psalm encouraged himself with the knowledge that God had blessed him before and surely He would continue.

"Will the Lord reject forever? Will He never show His favor again? Has His unfailing love vanished forever? Has His promise failed for all time? Has God forgotten to be merciful? Has He in His anger withheld his compassion?"
"I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes I will remember your miracles of long ago and think on all your works and consider your deeds. Your ways are holy and what God is as great as ours?"

Jesus says that God says we are His children. Would you not provide for your babies? Even in anger, your heart is tender towards them. In Matthew 7 it says, "which of you,if his son asks for bread,will you give him a stone?". Or if he asks for a fish, will you give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, give good gifts to your children, how much MORE will your Father in Heaven give good gifts to those who ask Him! So in everything do to others what you want them to do for you."

Ask Him! If you hear nothing, beat the Heavens down...He will answer.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Recipe of the day--Tandoori chicken cabbage cups

No picture today, but this was amazing! Inspired by a recipe I saw at the grocery store using lettuce leaves and teriyaki sauce.

What you need:
Chicken breast or ground chicken 1 lb
Red pepper flakes to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
Olive oil 1 tbl
Tandoori powder
Cabbage leaves
Onion, 1/2

Use the oil to sauté your chicken and throw in the onion and spices as the chicken cooks. Steam your cabbage leaves separately until tender but not wilted.

Once your mixture and cabbage are ready, spoon the mixture into the leaves. Low carb eating and YUM!

Tummy is happy and so is the scale!

Right time and place

How often I forget that I am exactly where I am supposed to be for God makes no mistakes.
Sure, there is plenty to improve upon, however I am exactly who I should be today,with exactly the right people in my life.

I have lived so much of my life, wasted it even, obsessed and controlled with how others saw me. Constantly striving to be someone I'll never be. I will never be perfect, I will never say the right thing, but I'll always be what I was made to be...God's love in the form of Anne. You are God's love in whatever form you take.

I am learning that we are perfectly formed to minister to someone His love. His perfection is found in our weakness.

God loves you even as you are and where you are. Any changing should be done by our Creator.

He loves you....and so do I!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Curried lentils with turkey

1/2 cup lentils
1/2 cup turkey cooked
1/4 cup onion
1 clove garlic
1/2 cup salsa
Curry powder to taste
Little olive oil
1/2 to 1 cup water or stock

Mix together and simmer on medium heat for about 45 minutes. Yummy!!

My favorite protein powder

Here I am! Thinking of going to the park later and seeing if I can find a farmer market still around.

The toddler is napping, the man is at work, and I am trying to relax and decide how the next few months will go.

There is a lot of denial involved when you lose a lot of weight and gain it back, but mirrors and aching joints do not lie.

Oh yeah, I am loving this IPAD!!!

My favorite people!

See my baby and the hubbie. When I dress today, I will post an updated pic of me.

So...I am back

So, after gaining back about 80 lbs, I am back. This will now be the story of how I will lose it again. I am thinking I will start with my doctor suggestion to di protein shakes for awhile to get rid of carb cravings and then back to basics. Focus on protein, then veggies and STOP drinking with meals!