Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Let the dead bury the dead

In Matthew 8:22, Jesus says to follow him and let the dead bury the dead. I always thought this was kind of a mean statement. The guy wanted to bury his dad. Further investigation shows us that dad wasn't dead yet. The potential disciple wanted to wait until that time.

Time isn't promised. There is no allotment of time that is equal to men.
Why put off what you need to do; it may never be done.

There are all these healings and miracles, and great love shown in the bible; looking around today I see such hatefulness, so much hurt, so much anger, so much sadness. Jesus is the joy maker, the blessing bringer, the comfort when every one else leaves you. The restorer of light.

My journey has been not without trial and i have lost friends, family, dare I say it, mentors even in the course of following Him; but I'm never without love, never without protection, and even when I can't see my feet; he always can. It's Him that holds me when I cry, and Him who brings such peace.

The bible says to expect evil to increase in these last days and we see it all around us; it doesn't even seek the shadows anymore.

But God...He sent Jesus and He can drive away darkness and despair and He can do anything as long as we believe.

Evil can be right on our doorstep and if we will pray for those who do the kind of things most of us don't have the capacity to forgive, God will work wonders. I know our source of strength is Jesus. And we don't have to fight battles because the Lord in His goodness will fight and go before us because we surrendered our fight to him long ago.

What that potential disciple didn't know was how much he'd gain if he'd just trust Jesus.

What about you? Are you tired of fighting the darkness alone? Do you wish someone was with you who would love and accept you no matter what? Do you need a champion, a healer, a miracle worker?

Jesus is all those things and so much more. If you don't know him,write me and I'd be glad to introduce you. He is the best present I ever opened.

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