Sunday, December 4, 2011

Right time and place

How often I forget that I am exactly where I am supposed to be for God makes no mistakes.
Sure, there is plenty to improve upon, however I am exactly who I should be today,with exactly the right people in my life.

I have lived so much of my life, wasted it even, obsessed and controlled with how others saw me. Constantly striving to be someone I'll never be. I will never be perfect, I will never say the right thing, but I'll always be what I was made to be...God's love in the form of Anne. You are God's love in whatever form you take.

I am learning that we are perfectly formed to minister to someone His love. His perfection is found in our weakness.

God loves you even as you are and where you are. Any changing should be done by our Creator.

He loves you....and so do I!

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