Saturday, December 17, 2011

You cannot take it with you!

Why are things so important? Why is it when someone dies, family has the tendency to forget the loved one who died and focus on grasping all their possessions? Is it a misguided attempt to foster familiarity with the deceased, or is it just pure greed?

The bible tells us to store up treasures in heaven because there nothing, not even death can take it from you. The treasures spoken of are doing the will of God. If we are to give the coat off our back for strangers, what more should we do for family?

The bible is clear that money, wealth and accumulation of possessions are the root of evil, and rich men have a hard road to heaven; so why become bitter and greedy and destroy relationships over things that perish?

The evil in the world is palpable and the greed is devouring people's souls to the point that family would rather have belongings than lasting relationships with their family.

Memories are the only thing left when a loved one passes. I treasure mine. I actually have nothing of my grandparents but they taught me valuable lessons and skills and I will always have a bond with them that supersedes death. That is more than enough.

Peace will never be found in bitterness, unforgiveness, or greed.

Those three have been linked to cancer and other fatal illnesses. I wonder if that's because they eat a person inside out.

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