Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lost and in our own way

For about a year now, there has been a distaste in my mouth and spirit upon entering a church. The focus is on building bigger buildings, buy these DVDs, buy this and buy that; and the focus of the gospel is lost.

In these days and hours, when we should be as our King, we are caught up in money and more, more, more. If the Lord stopped in our churches, would we even speak to Him? What would He appear as? Would He be as Pharisee-like as some of us? Or would He appear as a homeless man, or poorly dressed woman? Would we speak?

What happened to God's love? The greatest gift of the Spirit seems in such short supply. After everything else is gone, it along with faith and hope will remain.

As Christ's hands and hearts on Earth, why aren't we sharing His love?

It's not about membership, not about buildings or money for He has that, it's about people's souls and the bone-deep need to be loved.

When we walk our daily walk let us look for ways to love the world the way Jesus does. He loved the people we gossip about and judge. He loves that boss you hate, that man who stole from you, that lady who lied....yes His love is boundless and our job is to allow Him to live through us no matter what.

We are neglecting His first love.

Let us strive to love not only one another but those who do not yet know Him. Sometimes I think we do not have because we don't love. May we all receive the passion to love the lost!

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